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Men's Brown Leather Jacket

Men's Brown Leather Jacket

Regular price $40.00
Regular price Sale price $40.00
Sale Sold out
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In add-ons widget, additional products are displayed. Select the add-ons and click the "Add to cart" button. Multiple pre-designed layouts available for addon widget. Get App
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Addon Layouts

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  • Addon discount (%)

    Apply discount in percentage to all associated addons to provide best deal to your customer.

  • Addon Discount (Fixed)

    Apply fix amount discount to all associated addons to provide best deal to your customer.

  • Additional Text Field

    Get additional information with addon from customer by enable the additional text field feature.

  • Addon Subtotal Price

    To help customers make informed purchase decisions, it would be great if we could display the subtotal of selected addons and main product.

  • Addon Stock Alert

    Display the current availability of the product and low stock alert to keep the customers informed and increase their confidence in the product's availability.

  • Addon Quick View

    Display a quick view popup containing a detailed description of the addon product on the same page. This allows customers to add the addon to the cart from there.

  • Separate Add to Cart Button

    Display separate Add to Cart buttons with addons to add addons directly into the cart.

  • Addon Carousel (Slider)

    Display the addon in the slider within a confined space, allowing easy scrolling via navigation buttons.